Traveling Lighter
with Paul Hedderman
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The Film
Practical and profound, Paul Hedderman's philosophy blends his experience in recovery with the wisdom of Advaita. He calls on us to consider our deeply held notions about self and awareness under a fresh light, and points to a simpler and lighter way of being in the world. A man of no pretense, Paul's unique language and solid presence bespeak the depth of his understanding of the human condition—in which the original addiction is the mind's addiction to being a self. Filmed in High-Definition and featuring music by Kirtan chant artist and sacred singer/songwriter David Newman.
Traveling Lighter - supporting edition
81 minute documentary plus deleted scenes. -
Traveling Lighter - budget edition
81 minute documentary. For those who can afford it and wish to further support our work, we recommend the "Supporting Edition" which includes a "deleted scenes" video.